

Alexisonfire spenden die Erlöse des Verkaufs von „Complicit“ an Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen

Eine schöne Geste.

VON AM 16/06/2020

Alexisonfire haben vergangenes Jahr ihre neue Single „Complicit“ an den Start gebracht. Nun hat die Kombo nachträglich entschieden, die Einnahmen aus den Erlösen des Single-Verkaufs zu 100% an diverse Organisation zu spenden, die die Black Lives Matter-Bewegung und ähnliche unterstützen.


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Fast 12.000 US-Dollar gehen an die Canadian Civil Liberties Association, die Black Lives Matter Toronto sowie die Black Youth Pathway To Industry.

Alexisonfire spenden fast 12.000 US-Dollar an kanadische Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen

„[We] have had a lot of discussions as to what our response should be to George Floyd’s murder and larger discussions of racial inequality both here and abroad.

Last year we released a single called ‚Complicit‘. The song is about wanting to be an ally to people fighting for equality but at the same time, recognizing that regardless of how pure our intentions may be, we are complicit. We have benefited from a system that is inherently stacked in our favour: a system of racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia.

ALEXISONFIRE acknowledges that the first step of recognition is meaningless without action. We’ve decided to donate $11,843.84 — all money (we) earned from the sale of the single, ‚Complicit‘, along with any associated merchandise to Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Black Lives Matter Toronto and Black Youth Pathway To Industry.

The five members of this band stand steadfast, yet imperfect, in our commitment to be better allies.

Smash the pillars of the white hetero patriarchy until the ruins are sand.”

Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an

Alexisonfire have had a lot of discussions as to what our response should be to George Floyd’s murder and larger discussions of racial inequality both here and abroad. Last year we released a single called “Complicit”. The song is about wanting to be an ally to people fighting for equality but at the same time, recognizing that regardless of how pure our intentions may be, we are complicit. We have benefited from a system that is inherently stacked in our favour: a system of racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia. Alexisonfire acknowledges that the first step of recognition is meaningless without action. We’ve decided to donate $11,843.84 – all money (we) earned from the sale of the single, “Complicit”, along with any associated merchandise to Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Black Lives Matter Toronto and Black Youth Pathway to Industry. The five members of this band stand steadfast, yet imperfect, in our commitment to be better allies. Smash the pillars of the white hetero patriarchy until the ruins are sand. Love always, G

Ein Beitrag geteilt von (@aof_official) am

Hut ab, eine tolle Geste!

Im Zuge der neu entfachten Diskussion um Rassimus in den USA und weltweit als Reaktion auf den gewaltsamen Tod von George Floyd riefen einige Bands Spendenaktionen ins Leben. Unter anderem launchten sie spezielles Merchandise.

Neben „Complicit“ brachten Alexisonfire seit letztem Jahr auch noch ihre Songs „Season Of The Flood“ und „Familiar Drugs“ auf den Markt.

Ob ein neues Album folgt, ist noch unklar.

Foto: Alexisonfire / Offizielles Pressebild


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