

Todd Youth (Fireburn, Ex-Danzig/Murphy’s Law) ist verstorben

Auch das Jahr 2018 ist nicht frei von einer ganzen Latte an traurigen Todesmeldungen. Wie nun bekannt wurde, ist Todd ...

VON AM 28/10/2018

Auch das Jahr 2018 ist nicht frei von einer ganzen Latte an traurigen Todesmeldungen. Wie nun bekannt wurde, ist Todd Schofield alias „Todd Youth“ im Alter von gerade einmal 47 Jahren verstorben.

Die Meldung erreichte die Fan-Gemeinde des Musikers über seinen Fireburn-Bandkollegen Israel Joseph I, der sich in einem emotionalen Statement von ihm verabschiedet. Besagte Zeilen könnt ihr euch weiter unten durchlesen.

Todd Youth startete seine Gitarristen-Karriere bei Agnostic Front (allerdings ohne jemals mit ihnen Platten aufgenommen zu haben) und wechselte dann zu Warzone, ehe er Murphy’s Law beitrat, für die er bis 1995 aktiv war.

Über die Jahre erlangte er in zahlreichen weiteren Bands wie Danzig, The Chelsea Smiles oder auch Cheap Trick weitere Bekanntheit, ehe er sich 2017 mit Israel Joseph I (Bad Brains), Todd Jones (Nails) und Nick Townsend (Deadbeat, Knife Fight) zur Supergroup Fireburn zusammenfand.

Unsere aufrichtige Anteilnahme gilt der Familie und den Freunden von Youth/Schofield sowie seinen aktiven und ehemaligen Bandmitgliedern. Ruhe in Frieden.

Todd Youth im Alter von nur 47 Jahren gestorben

„On the passing of my friend, and my Brother Todd Youth

There are no words to express how sad I am at the passing of my brother Todd Youth. The music he made will forever be remembered, and I’m so thankful that I was able to work with him and that we created Fireburn together. Todd and I were living separate lives doing hardcore and reggae music.

We met each other in 1992 and then never spoke again until 2017. We created Fireburn within two weeks of knowing each other and finished writing two of my favorite hardcore records that I ever worked on: “Don’t stop the youth“, and “Shine“. Closed casket records signed the band and we were on our way.

We had great shows and lots of people showed up to them. We toured with #GBH from England, hung out with the guys from #NegativeApproach, and got our blessings about our music and our records from the #BadBrains. I know that Todd is now resting in peace and I know that Krishna has taken his soul to a better place.

He was a devout Hari Krishna and a devout human being. Todd wherever you are I hope that we will make music again one day. Life is a circle, and I know I’ll meet you again in that circle brother. We will meet again. Rest In Peace, Rest In Power, rest my brother.

I am saddened that we cannot make music again together in this world, but I am happy that you are finally going home to be with Krishna that Haile Selassie has finally giving you peace and comfort my brother. One day, I too will lay down and die. This body that I ware is temporary. I will probably be alone.

They’re probably be no one around me. However I know that I will join you and all of our other friends in that good place and we’ll all see each other again. I’m sorry you died Todd. I’m sorry I can’t see you again. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you. You are my friend and my brother and I love you. Rest in peace my brother. May your visit to our Heavenly Home be full of peace, and comfort, and closeness to Krishna. Haribo. Haile Selassie I. FIREBURN.

#ToddYouth #Fireburnhc #Fireburn #Death”

Offizielle Website der Band


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