

To The Grave: Bassist Josh Booth ist im Alter von nur 23 Jahren verstorben

Ruhe in Frieden.

VON AM 30/05/2020

Das laufende Jahr meint es nicht wirklich gut mit der Musiklandschaft. Und damit meinen wir nicht einmal nur die aktuelle Coronakrise nebst der Folgen für die komplette Industrie. Auch diverse Künstler sind in der ersten Jahreshälfte verstorben. Unter ihnen befindet sich nun auch To The Grave-Bassist Joshua Declan Booth.

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It is with utter devastation and disbelief that we must announce on Thursday the 28th of May, just before 5pm, we lost Joshua Booth. Words simply cannot express the anguish we all face in his absence. Josh was a wonderfully kind, understanding and passionate individual who brought a light to everyone else's life. His positive influence on the people he touched was so understated and that's something that nobody could ever replace. None of us could have asked for a better friend to share the stage with. Those who knew him will tell you he never failed to bring a smile to your face even on dark days. We are shattered at his loss and our thoughts and condolences lie very much with his family and fellow loved ones. We respectfully ask at this time that everyone please refrain from questions too specific to the circumstances surrounding his passing as we are waiting for a full police investigation to be properly conducted. The four of us here at To The Grave loved Josh more than words can express, and will both mourn and honour his memory in our future endeavours. Rest in peace Joshua Declan Booth, we miss you sorely. 27.3.97 – 28.5.20 – In our bio is a link to a gofundme page that we've set up to help his family cover the heavy costs involved with putting Josh to rest. If you are able to help in any way, shape or form we'd be forever thankful.

Ein Beitrag geteilt von (@tothegraveau) am

To The Grave trauern um ihren Bassisten und Freund Josh Booth

Wie die Deathcore-Band vor einigen Stunden selbst verlauten ließ, sei Josh Booth bereits am Donnerstag im Alter von gerade einmal 23 Jahren verstorben. Die Hintergründe seines Todes wurden dabei nicht genannt:

„It is with utter devastation and disbelief that we must announce on Thursday the 28th of May, just before 5pm, we lost Joshua Booth.
Words simply cannot express the anguish we all face in his absence. Josh was a wonderfully kind, understanding and passionate individual who brought a light to everyone else’s life. His positive influence on the people he touched was so understated and that’s something that nobody could ever replace. None of us could have asked for a better friend to share the stage with. Those who knew him will tell you he never failed to bring a smile to your face even on dark days.

We are shattered at his loss and our thoughts and condolences lie very much with his family and fellow loved ones. We respectfully ask at this time that everyone please refrain from questions too specific to the circumstances surrounding his passing as we are waiting for a full police investigation to be properly conducted.

The four of us here at To The Grave loved Josh more than words can express, and will both mourn and honour his memory in our future endeavours.
Rest in peace Joshua Declan Booth, we miss you sorely.

27.3.97 – 28.5.20“

Eine Spendenkampagne soll jetzt seiner Familie mit den aufkommenden Kosten der Beerdigung unter die Arme greifen. Wenn ihr etwas beisteuern möchtet, könnt ihr dies unter dieser Adresse tun.

Zusammen mit To The Grave brachte Booth im November vergangenen Jahres das aktuelle Album „Global Warning“ heraus. Eine wirklich gute Platte, in das sich Genre-Fans durchaus reinhören sollten; und sei es nur zu Ehren von Josh Booth.

Ruhe in Frieden.


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Foto: To The Grave / Josh Booth – Offizielles Pressebild


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