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Be Well (Darkest Hour, Ex-Bane etc.) mit einem neuen Song

Inklusive Video.

VON AM 16/04/2022

Anno 2019 haben sich aktive und ehemalige Mitglieder von Bands wie Darkest Hour, Bane, Fairweather und weiteren zur Supergroup Be Well zusammengeschlossen. Im Folgejahr erschien dann das Debütalbum „The Weight and the Cost“ – schon nächsten Monat erwartet uns der nächste Output in Form der EP „Hello Sun“ via Revelation Records.

Aus ebenjener EP hat die Truppe jetzt eine neue Single von der Leine gelassen.

Der Track hört auf den Namen „I Will Leave You With This“ und kann weiter unten gestreamt werden.

Hört jetzt den neuen Song von Be Well (Darkest Hour, Ex-Bane etc.)

Frontmann Brian McTernan hatte dazu folgende Worte parat:

„One of the most incredible things about putting out the first Be Well record, and doing interviews, was talking to people about the impact that the records that I’ve spent my life making had on their lives. I had never fully processed how meaningful it was. That might sound crazy, but I had only really held on to the negatives in a lot of ways. At my darkest times, I felt like I had wasted my life. I am now able to look back and see that I was a part of something way bigger than me. I played a role in helping artists that I respect beyond words create things that will live forever. How did I never allow myself to take any joy in that? ‘I Will Leave You With This’ is a defiant song, to myself in a way, like, ‘I’m not ever gonna lose that perspective.’“


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Foto: JC Carey / Offizielles Pressebild


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