

Aborted kündigen ihre neue EP „La Grande Mascarade“ an


VON AM 19/02/2020

Ende letzten Jahres haben sie es bereits angekündigt; nun lassen sie es wahr werden. Aborted bringen neue Musik auf den Markt. Wer ein Album erwartet hat, wird nun allerdings (vorerst) noch enttäuscht.

Was uns jetzt nämlich erstmal erwartet, ist eine neue EP mit drei Tracks. Aber hey – neue Musik ist neue Musik!

Aborted kündigen neue EP an und stellen erste Single in Aussicht

Das gute Stück heißt „La Grande Mascarade“ und erscheint am 17. April. Eine erste Single soll uns womöglich bald erreichen. Die Band kommentierte ihren neuen Output mit folgenden lieblichen Worten:

„Allright you primitive screwheads! Here’s some more good news for ya; this is my boomsti.. wait.. SO Not only are we coming with this ultimate badass tour with Napalm Death – who will show everyone what grind your groin means – but we are also happy to announce you our latest boomsti..err release. Since 2020 marks 25 years of us making noise, we figured we should take advantage of that fact and serve you guys up some tasty treats in the form of ‚La Grande Mascarade‘ (Yes it’s french; you grammar nazis), which is a brandspanking new EP featuring 3 new tracks. If you want to hear us go full ’special person‘ and go beyond the limits of what we have done so far, stay tuned for the first single soon (maybe…)“

Die Tracklist der EP liest sich wie folgt:

1- Gloom and the Art of Tribulation
2- Serpent of Depravity
3- Funereal Malediction

„La Grande Mascarade“ markiert den ersten Output von Aborted nach dem Ausstieg von Gitarrist Mendel bij de Leij, der die Band Anfang letzten Jahres verließ.

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Allright you primitive screwheads! Here's some more good news for ya; this is my boomsti.. wait.. SO Not only are we coming with this ultimate badass tour with Napalm Death – who will show everyone what grind your groin means – but we are also happy to announce you our latest boomsti..err release. Since 2020 marks 25 years of us making noise, we figured we should take advantage of that fact and serve you guys up some tasty treats in the form of 'La Grande Mascarade' (Yes it's french; you grammar nazis), which is a brandspanking new EP featuring 3 new tracks. If you want to hear us go full 'special person' and go beyond the limits of what we have done so far, stay tuned for the first single soon (maybe…) Oh yes; we also just released some pre orders for this; snag some if you want to support the band and get ready for death metal! and for the europeans out there; Impericon will have the same pre order up in the next few days! GRRRR! and shit. Artwork has been provided by the mighty Mitchell Nolte Mitchell Nolte Art and Illustration La Grande Mascarade tracklist: 1- Gloom and the Art of Tribulation 2- Serpent of Depravity 3- Funereal Malediction The whole thing has been mixed and mastered by the one and only Kohle Kristian Kohle Kohlmannslehner at Kohlekeller Studio. Indiemerch pre order: Get ready for some truly disgusting metal of death my friends! Yours truly; the blastards.

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Foto: Century Media Records / YouTube: „ABORTED – Squalor Opera (OFFICIAL VIDEO)“


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