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Meshuggah kündigen ihr neues Album „Immutable“ an

Na endlich.

VON AM 15/01/2022

Erst vergangene Woche brodelte die Gerüchteküche, jetzt folgt die offizielle Bestätigung. Meshuggah beehren uns tatsächlich dieses Jahr mit einem neuen Album. Wie es in einer Pressemitteilung heißt, wird der nächste Longplayer der Schweden um Frontmann Jens Kidman auf den Namen „Immutable“ hören und am 01. April 2022 erscheinen.

Neues Album von Meshuggah wird kein Aprilscherz

Und nein, es handelt sich hierbei NICHT um einen verfrühten Aprilscherz. Besagter Tag ist nun mal ein Freitag, in unseren Kreisen auch als Happy Release Day bekannt.

Vorbestellungen für die Platte sollen derweil ab dem 28. Januar mäglich sein.

In einem ersten Teaser gibt es auch ein paar Töne aus dem fertigen Werk zu hören. Film ab.

Eine erste Single-Auskopplung soll uns übrigens schon sehr bald ins Haus stehen.

Die Verlautbarung zur neuen Platte

“Meshuggah announce new album “Immutable” for April 1st, 2022
& album pre-order starts January 28th, 2022

Mavericks. Pioneers. Unique. Immutable.

Destined to be one of 2022’s most hailed and talked-about releases, “Immutable” once again showcases MESHUGGAH’s collective brilliance, including some of the most jaw-dropping ensemble performances they have ever executed.

Six years on from the band’s most recent full-length, “The Violent Sleep Of Reason“, 2022 brings a fresh and fearsome revelation from MESHUGGAH. Shattering even the highest of expectations, the band’s ninth album is simply their wildest and most esoteric sonic adventure yet and will be released on April 1st via Atomic Fire Records. Recorded at Sweetspot Studios in Halmstad (Sweden), mixed by Rickard Bengtsson & Staffan Karlsson and mastered by multiple Grammy award winner Vlado Meller (Metallica, Rage Against The Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers, System Of A Down), “Immutable” will be available in various CD, vinyl and tape formats and goes into pre-sale on January 28th, and the first single will be revealed very soon. The stunning cover artwork was once again created by visionary artist Luminokaya.

For guitarist Mårten Hagström, the task of embarking on another unprecedented tech-metal odyssey was impossible to resist.

“The title fits perfectly for where we are as a band,” Mårten concludes. “We’re older now. Most of us are in our fifties now, and we’ve settled into who we are. Even though we’ve been experimenting all along, I also think we’ve been the same since day one. The way we approach things and why we still make new albums, and why we still sound the way we do, it’s immutable. Humanity is immutable, too. We commit the same mistakes over and over. And we are immutable. We do what we do, and we don’t change.”

Legendary. Unique. Immutable.

MESHUGGAH are still operating on a higher level of metallic consciousness than just about everybody else. This band blow minds for a living, and “Immutable” is their most explosive work of monstrous art yet.

MESHUGGAH stand alone. The most inventive and creative metal band of the last 30 years and one of the most widely revered, MESHUGGAH have been standard bearers for forward-thinking creativity in heavy music throughout their illustrious careers. Over the course of more than 30 years and eight studio albums, Sweden’s widely worshipped progressive mavens have consistently redefined what it means to be heavy, while exhibiting a ferocious intelligence that belies the crushing weight of their riffs. From the ground-breaking savagery of 1995’s “Destroy Erase Improve“, to the psychedelic tech-splorations of “CatchyThirtyThree“, and on to the streamlined grotesquery of “ObZen” and “Koloss“, MESHUGGAH have always been way ahead of the game and plainly without peer.

Keep your eyes peeled on all MESHUGGAH channels, sign up for email updates and receive more news about MESHUGGAH’s upcoming album “Immutable“, along with exclusive offers with some of the newsletters: https://immutable.se

Jens Kidman | Vocals
Mårten Hagström | Guitars
Dick Lövgren | Bass
Fredrik Thordendal | Guitars
Tomas Haake | Drums”

Foto: Olle Carlsson / Offizielles Pressebild


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