

Counterfeit geben ihre Auflösung bekannt

Nach gerade mal fünf Jahren.

VON AM 11/11/2020

Gerade mal fünf Jahre waren Counterfeit als Band aktiv; nun hängen sie ihre Bandkarriere endgültig an den Nagel. Wie Frontmann Jamie Campbell Bower über die Socials der Band mitteilte, sei das Projekt ab sofort zur Ruhe gelegt worden.

Demnach haben sich die anderen Mitglieder während der Pandemie dazu entschieden, nicht länger Teil der Band sein zu wollen. Er als Gründer habe deshalb den Entschluss gefasst, die Band somit aufzulösen.

Counterfeit geben ihre Auflösung bekannt

Er werde ab sofort solo weitermachen und schon bald mit seinem neuen Projekt durchstarten wollen. Folgende Worte richtet er an die Fans:

„I did not imagine myself ever having to write this letter to you all. But here we are.

It is with deepest sympathies that I must announce that Counterfeit as a band have entered into the shadows of past projects. During lockdown and Covid I received a number of phone calls from members of the band who stated that they no longer wish to participate in either this project or live music in general. I was, like you, disappointed by this news.

As such I have come to the decision that it is time to lay Counterfeit to rest. I started this project alone in my living room and it seems fitting that this is where we say goodbye to it. In time all things must die.

But from the ashes we must rise which is why I am delighted to tell you that I will be continuing to make music and tour the world for and with you all under Jamie Bower, we rise again and I am very excited to announce the first offering from this new project. In the shadows I have always dwelled and this project is an offering from there. As our dear friend Gerard once said ‚Throw on the black dress mix in with the lot […].“

Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an

Dear Friends I did not imagine myself ever having to write this letter to you all. But here we are. It is with deepest sympathies that I must announce that Counterfeit as a band have entered into the shadows of past projects. During lockdown and Covid I received a number of phone calls from members of the band who stated that they no longer wish to participate in either this project or live music in general. I was, like you, disappointed by this news. As such I have come to the decision that it is time to lay Counterfeit to rest. I started this project alone in my living room and it seems fitting that this is where we say goodbye to it. In time all things must die. But from the ashes we must rise which is why I am delighted to tell you that I will be continuing to make music and tour the world for and with you all under Jamie Bower, we rise again and I am very excited to announce the first offering from this new project. In the shadows I have always dwelled and this project is an offering from there. As our dear friend Gerard once said “Throw on the black dress mix in with the lot”. Like summer to winter seasons change but my friends the song remains. Come join me. Take my hand Do not be afraid of the dark. It is time. Jamie. x

Ein Beitrag geteilt von (@counterfeitrock) am

Wir wünschen Bower und natürlich auch den restlichen Bandmitgliedern alles Gute für ihre Zukunft.

Counterfeit brachten 2017 ihr erstes und einziges Album „Together We Are Stronger“ auf den Markt. Zuvor erschienen noch die EPs „Come Get Some“ (2015), „Enough“ und „Addiction“ (beide 2016).

Beitragsfoto im Auftrag von Karoline Schaefer (Cat Eye Photography)


Ville Valo VV HIM

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