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Can’t Swim veröffentlichen neuen Song mit Caleb Shomo (Beartooth)

Eine wilde Sause.

VON AM 20/10/2021

Schon Freitag bringen Can’t Swim ihr neues Album „Change Of Plans“ über Pure Noise Records an den Start, aus dem wir ja bereits die ein oder andere Nummer hören konnten. Kurz vor knapp gibt es jetzt noch einen Track auf Ohren und Augen. Und der bietet mit Beartooth-Frontmann Caleb Shomo einen wunderbar im Gehörgang liegenden Guest-Part.

Der Song hört auf den Namen „Set The Room Ablaze“ und kommt mit einem Wrestling-reichen Video daher. Speziell zum Clip hatte Sänger Chris LoPorto folgende Worte auf Lager.

“The video for ‘Set The Room Ablaze‘ is 100% my favorite Can’t Swim video. The process was something I never thought we would be able to be a part of. Partnering up with GCW and seeing those guys give their all, blood, sweat, and tears, for a song of ours was something pretty special. Jesse Korman, who directed it, had such control and power over the acting, being ringside and seeing how he was able to create and manage the storyline was inspiring and very impressive. I think it perfectly complements the vibe of the song.”

Hier der neue Can’t Swim-Song mit Caleb Shomo (Beartooth)


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Zum Song selbst lässt LoPorto wissen:

“‘Set The Room Ablaze‘ is a song I’ve been trying to write for years. To step away from changing lyrics 100 times, covering my story with metaphors and tricky wordplay, this song is as honest as I can get as a songwriter. We basically wrote it remotely and then recorded it for this album. Recently, we were able to get into a room together and play it for the first time. The excitement and energy made me feel like we were a brand new band again, and I can’t wait to play it live live every night on tour.”

Foto: Can’t Swim / Offizielles Pressebild



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