

Atreyu: Frontmann Alex Varkatzas sagt anstehende Konzerte ab

Schlechte Nachrichten aus dem Hause Atreyu: Wie die Band nun mitteilte, ist Frontmann Alex Varkatzas nicht bei den bevorstehenden Live-Terminen ...

VON AM 22/05/2019

Schlechte Nachrichten aus dem Hause Atreyu: Wie die Band nun mitteilte, ist Frontmann Alex Varkatzas nicht bei den bevorstehenden Live-Terminen hierzulande dabei. Varkatzas leidet seit längerer Zeit an Problemen mit dem Rücken und den Bandscheiben.

In einem ausführlichen Statement berichtet der Musiker, dass er bereits vor der „Spring Invasion Tour“ mit Motionless in White im April und Mai mit Schmerzen und starken Beeinträchtigung zu kämpfen hat.

Die Ärzte hätten ihm nun davon abgeraten, die bevorstehenden Europa-Termine zu bestreiten, da er seinem Körper ansonsten zusätzlich Schaden zufügen würden. Bei den anstehenden Terminen werden seine Bandkollegen ihn ersetzen. Das ganze Statement könnt ihr hier lesen oder euch als Video weiter unten anschauen.

Neben den beiden Headliner-Shows in Hamburg und Berlin sind die Festival-Auftritte bei Rock am Ring und Rock im Park von Varkatzas betroffen.

Das Statement von Atreyu-Sänger Alex Varkatzas

„There is no easy way to say this, but I am very sorry that I will not be able to join Atreyu on this upcoming European tour. At this point my body & mind need to heal in order for me to continue with all the things we have planned for 2019. I owe you all an explanation. It will be lengthy…

Just about 2 weeks before the Spring Invasion tour I severely aggravated a damaged disc in my back at L5-Sl, giving horrible muscle spasms & limiting my ability to walk, go to the bathroom, basically fucks everything. I was briefly hospitalized last year for this same thing & unable to walk for several days, followed by a week on a walker. After this last injury before the Spring Invasion tour, my back never stopped aching & I started to suffer some pains in the lower abdominal/manly region. An MRI showed a bulging disc at L5-S1 that was a little worse than last year & revealed a surprise inguinal hernia. I was able to start physical therapy for my back right away but was unable to start on hernia. I was given an Oral steroid the day before I left for tour & started to barely feel ok after a few days. I was advised to take it easy or I would create further issues. After flying home I’ve been in constant agony. I would be lying to you if I said it wasn’t taking its toll on me mentally as well.

It was very hard to accept & tell the guys in the band that my doctors advised me to not make the trip & take care of my body.

My brothers in Atreyu will rock on without me this run. It will be a very special, one of a kind experience with Brandon up front & Porter screaming! I have an upcoming epidural, therapy & a follow up appointment to discuss the impending possibility of hernia surgery before Disrupt.

I’m terribly sorry & thank you for the faith in our band. a HUGE, I’m sorry to: Slam Dunk Fest, FortaRock, Rock Im Park, Rock Am Ring & the rest of the promoters.

Finally to anyone who was looking forward to see me perform with the band on this run. I know you are disappointed & all I can do is offer my sincerest apologies & fully explain the situation. Something I normally wouldn’t like to do. So there it is. I wish my brothers in Atreyu a safe & fun tour.“


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