

Five Finger Death Punch verkünden offiziell ihren neuen Gitarristen

Nun ist es raus.

VON AM 14/10/2020

Nun ist es in Stein gemeißelt: Jason Hook ist offiziell raus bei Five Finger Death Punch. Was sich über Wochen bereits andeutete und in den letzten Tagen konkret wurde, ist nun seitens der Band auch offiziell bestätigt.

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@jake_hunzi_03 Just heard the news @jasonhook is no longer in 5FDP. Five years ago yesterday, I saw my first 5FDP concert and it’s changed my life. The next day after seeing Jason play, I decided to pick up guitar again. I have no clue what I’d be doing if I didn’t get to experience his playing. Thanks for everything Jason and good luck with your new projects. I will support whatever you do. [ I greatly appreciate all the kind words of support. I’ll miss the fans the most, I have created an email if anyone wishes to stay in touch, I’ll do my best to respond.. tons of new music coming, I have been recording since Feb. much love and appreciation ❤️ ~ H00K ]

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Über ihre Socials meldeten sich sowohl die Band um Frontmann Ivan Moody sowie auch Hook selbst mit einem Statement zu Wort. Demnach habe Hook sich nach seinem gesundheitsbedingten Ausfall bei der vergangenen Europa-Tour die Entscheidung getroffen, die Band zu verlassen. Es gebe mehrere Gründe für seine Entscheidung und er wolle sich einfach weiter entwickeln.

„I have had the pleasure of meeting so many of you in person. Thank you for the endless stories of how our music has touched your heart in some way! But the best part of being on tour the last 12 years, by far, has been playing my guitar and seeing the joy on your faces every night. I will miss that more than anything.

As far the reason I’m leaving… well, there really isn’t just one. I’ve been in bands my entire life and I feel like I’ve done all the good that I can here. It’s time to pass the baton and move on to new challenges.“

Five Finger Death Punch bestätigen Andy James als neuen Gitarristen

Die Band selbst bestätigte zeitgleich Andy James, der bereits mehrfach für Hook einsprang, als direkten Nachfolger.

„Jason is an incredible guitar player so we had to find someone on the absolute top of their game. Someone like Andy James who was already a well-known virtuoso and had the chops to step into Jason‘s shoes.

Andy completed our European tour with us back in February so he was already tried by fire. We instantly clicked both musically and personally so he was the obvious choice. We even have the same birthday… Some things are just meant to be.“

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FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH confirms it parted ways with guitarist Jason Hook back in February 2020, during the band's sold out European arena tour. After his recovery from emergency gallbladder surgery at the end of last year, Jason had to leave midway from the band’s tour of Europe to address further complications. “I have had the pleasure of meeting so many of you in person. Thank you for the endless stories of how our music has touched your heart in some way! But the best part of being on tour the last 12 years, by far, has been playing my guitar and seeing the joy on your faces every night. I will miss that more than anything. As far the reason I’m leaving…well, there really isn’t just one. I’ve been in bands my entire life and I feel like I’ve done all the good that I can here. It’s time to pass the baton and move on to new challenges” – Says Jason about his departure 5FDP have released 8 studio albums and two greatest hits compilations in 13 years and toured relentlessly. They are often called the “hardest working band in the industry” with very little personal time left outside of the band. At Jason’s suggestion, all parties came to a mutual agreement, that it’s best if he steps away from his rigorous band duties altogether. Consequently, Jason handed over the torch to the band's new lead guitarist, renowned British virtuoso ANDY JAMES who is featured on “Broken World”, one of the five previously unreleased tracks on Decade of Destruction, Volume 2. “Jason is an incredible guitar player so we had to find someone on the absolute top of their game. Someone like Andy James who was already a well-known virtuoso and had the chops to step into Jason’s shoes. Andy completed our European Tour with us back in February so he was already tried by fire. We instantly clicked both musically and personally so he was the obvious choice. We even have the same birthday… Some things are just meant to be,” explains Zoltan. “I just congratulated Jason on his recent wedding, and I hope he finds peace and happiness. As for us, I’m really excited to keep working with Andy and I just can’t wait for this Covid madness to be over so we can go back out on the road,” adds Ivan

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Wir wünschen allen Beteiligten alles Gute für den Neustart und die musikalische Zukunft.

Bereits am morgigen Donnerstag erwartet uns ein neues Musik-Video von Five Finger Death Punch zu „Living The Dream“. Gut möglich, dass Andy James hiher auch visuell dann offiziell seinen Einstand feiert.

Jason Hook war seit 2009 Teil von FFDP und ersetzte dato seinen Vorgänger Darrell Roberts. Insgesamt brachte er mit der Band sieben Alben auf den Markt, zuletzt im Februar diesen jahres die aktuelle LP „F8“.

Foto: Five Finger Death Punch / Offizielles Pressebild


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