

Chthonic präsentieren ihren neuen Song „Millennia’s Faith Undone“

Chthonic veröffentlichen am 10. Oktober dieses Jahres ihr neues Album „Battlefields Of Asura“. Daraus hat die Metal-Kombo aus Taiwan nun ...

VON AM 05/09/2018

Chthonic veröffentlichen am 10. Oktober dieses Jahres ihr neues Album „Battlefields Of Asura“. Daraus hat die Metal-Kombo aus Taiwan nun eine neue Single namens „Millennia’s Faith Undone“ präsentiert. Zu Gemüte führen könnt ihr euch den lautstarken Spaß jetzt zusammen mit einem entsprechenden Musik-Video weiter unten.

Hört jetzt den neuen Song „Millennia’s Faith Undone“ von Chthonic


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“‘Millennia’s Faith Undone‘ was inspired by the era of radical change in the history of Taiwan between the 30s and the 50s, also as the prequel to their albums of story series. Birdy, the director of the music video, set the narrative after the stores in their previous music videos of ‘Defenders of Bú-Tik Palace‘ (acoustic version) and ‘Kaoru‘ (acoustic version).

With an out of body experience, the main character sees the White Terror victims’ lives taken away by the dictators, and eventually himself being executed by shooting; all was left is his last will and testament overwhelmed in the mass of historical documents. Birdy recruited the crew and the lead actor and actress, Finn and Chia-Yu Chang, from the shoot for ‘Defenders of Bú-Tik Palace‘ (acoustic ver.) and ‘Kaoru‘ (acoustic ver.) four years ago.

Additionally, The Aeon’s version of “Millennia’s Faith Undone” will receive a music video treatment and will be premiered at the end of this month. In the upcoming video, the story will be told from the perspective of the lead female character. Stay tuned!”

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