

Mitch Lucker (†): Entwendete Halskette war kein Diebstahl *Update*

UPDATE: Wir können wieder aufatmen: Wie sich mittlerweile herausgestellt hat, war die entwendete Halskette nicht Teil eines Diebstahls. Mitch Luckers ...

VON AM 26/09/2017

UPDATE: Wir können wieder aufatmen: Wie sich mittlerweile herausgestellt hat, war die entwendete Halskette nicht Teil eines Diebstahls. Mitch Luckers Witwe Jolie hatte das Ganze kurz nach Veröffentlichung aufgeklärt. Demnach habe seine Tochter Kenadee Lucker das Objekt an sich genommen. Da sich Mark Heylmun darüber nicht bewusst war, war er in seinem Post ursprünglich von einem Diebstahl ausgegangen. Wir sind froh, dass der anfängliche Aufreger ein solches Ende genommen hat.

URSPRÜNGLICHE MELDUNG: Wir sind einfach nur fassungslos. Fassungslos, weil der tragische Tod des früheren SUICIDE SILENCE-Frontmanns Mitch Lucker bereits fast fünf Jahre her ist (ein Gedanke, der uns beim Tippen in den Sinn kam). So richtig fassungslos aber, weil das Grab von Lucker kürzlich bestohlen wurde.

SUICIDE SILENCE-Gitarrist Mark Heylmun lässt via Instagram wissen, dass eine Halskette, die er im Gedenken an Lucker hinterlegt hat, entwendet worden sei. In einem sehr ruhigem, aber traurigem Post erklärt er dem anonymen Dieb, was ihm das Objekt bedeutet und fragt höflich darum, es zurückzugeben – oder zumindest damit glücklich zu werden. Eine mehr als nur respektable Art der Wortfindung, die Heylmun angesichts dieser Geschmacklosigkeit findet. Sicherlich nicht jeder von uns würde sich darüber derart gesetzt äußern. Anbei der Text Heylmuns im O-Ton:

„Somebody took my necklace off Mitch’s headstone. To that person: I’m not mad, if you know me it’s super hard to make me mad. I choose not to get mad, I’m already „mad“ enough in my head. I hope that necklace brings you some peace and joy. Here’s a little about it.

A good friend of mine and Mitch’s gave it to me after a trip to Peru. We were there together but he stayed longer and brought it home to me. I wear it for many reasons, I’ve worn it on stage under my shirt, I’ve worn it during times where I need strength and positive energy, from hikes to interviews for the band. It’s a material symbol of inspiration and power to me.“

„I thought about not posting anything about it but I am posting this because I want friends and family to be able to trust that we can leave things at this Sacrad place(anonymously!), and that it is also somewhere we seek strength and energy from. This is a place of trust and power for us.

If we can’t TRUST that we can leave things here than it loses some of its power. We leave gifts offerings and sometimes we leave things to give and receive that power, like I left my necklace. So to that person: keep that necklace and cherish it or return it. No harm no foul. And to anyone who knows where Mitch is keep that site Sacrad please. Peace and love people.“

Somebody took my necklace off Mitch's headstone. To that person: I'm not mad, if you know me it's super hard to make me mad. I choose not to get mad, I'm already "mad" enough in my head. I hope that necklace brings you some peace and joy. Here's a little about it. A good friend of mine and Mitch's gave it to me after a trip to Peru. We were there together but he stayed longer and brought it home to me. I wear it for many reasons, I've worn it on stage under my shirt, I've worn it during times where I need strength and positive energy, from hikes to interviews for the band. It's a material symbol of inspiration and power to me. I thought about not posting anything about it but I am posting this because I want friends and family to be able to trust that we can leave things at this Sacrad place(anonymously!), and that it is also somewhere we seek strength and energy from. This is a place of trust and power for us. If we can't TRUST that we can leave things here than it loses some of its power. We leave gifts offerings and sometimes we leave things to give and receive that power, like I left my necklace. So to that person: keep that necklace and cherish it or return it. No harm no foul. And to anyone who knows where Mitch is keep that site Sacrad please. Peace and love people. ☮️ #mitchlucker #markheylmun #suicidesilence #respect #trust #peace #love #heavymetal #deathcore

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