

Static-X: Ersatzsänger Xer0 ist „unvergleichlich“

Er ersetzt derzeit den verstorbenen Wayne Static.

VON AM 03/01/2020

Nachdem Static-X-Frontmann Wayne Static anno 2014 verstarb, ist eine Nachfolge des Sängers nicht endgültig geklärt. Auf den zuletzt stattgefundenen sowie den bevorstehenden Live-Shows steht jedoch Sänger Xer0 am Mikrofon.

Static-X bedanken sich bei ihrem derzeitigen Sänger Xer0

Während die Identität des Vokalisten nicht gänzlich (bzw. nur nicht offiziell) geklärt ist, bedankt sich die Band indes für den Einsatz ihres Ersatzmitglieds. Demnach sei seine Hingabe unvergleichlich. In einem Statement auf den Socials findet die Band folgende Worte für Xer0:

„We would like to also thank Xer0 for his unbelievable effort, humility and selfless commitment to STATIC-X, Wayne, and our fans over the last 18 months. His delivery was haunting at times and his professionalism and attention to detail was second to none.“

Gerüchten zufolge soll es sich bei Xer0 um Dope-Frontmann Edsel Dope handeln. Fans wollen den Sänger identifiziert haben; er selbst dementierte die Gerüchte jedoch mehrfach.

Am 29. Mai veröffentlichen Static-X ihr neues Studioalbum „Project Regeneration“. Die Platte einhaltet die letzten Arbeiten von Wayne Static.

Im August kommen sie dann zusammen mit Life Of Agony auch wieder zu uns auf Tour. Insgesamt drei Termine finden dabei in Deutschland statt. Die Dates findet ihr hier.

Sieh dir diesen Beitrag auf Instagram an

It's genuinely difficult for us to put into words how unbelievable 2019 was for Static-X and our families. Countless SOLD OUT SHOWS around the world filled with incredible Static-X fans celebrating our little debut record and honoring our dear friend / brother Wayne Wells. We couldn't have imagined a more honorable, electrified, and healing experience. The amount of love and respect that we felt from all of you each night far exceeded our widest dreams. There is no handbook or manual for how to go about doing what we did. We simply followed our hearts and our creative spirits and with the support of Waynes family and all of our fans, we were able to create something incredibly unique and memorable. Our friend Wayne has never been more on the mind or in the hearts of our fans. We know that he would be absolutely blown away to see how much we all continue to love and miss him. We would like to thank Waynes family for believing in us and for supporting our vision for how to best celebrate WDT and to memorialize Wayne each night with the Static-X fans around the globe. We would like to also thank Xer0 for his unbelievable effort, humility and selfless commitment to Static-X, Wayne, and our fans over the last 18 months. His delivery was haunting at times and his professionalism and attention to detail was second to none. We are incredibly excited to be back home so we can now finish up the recording and mixing for our new album "Project Regeneration", which will be released on May 29th, 2020. We would like to thank each and every one of you for participating. We will treasure these events in our hearts for the rest of our lives Thank you all so much! We will never forget! Tony, Ken, Koichi, and of course Wayne

Ein Beitrag geteilt von (@staticxofficial) am

Foto: Static-X / Offizielles Pressebild


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