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Ramallah zeigen das Musik-Video zu „Dead Girls And Dead Boys Anthem“

Hier der Clip.

VON AM 17/07/2020

Heute haben Ramallah die physische Ausgabe ihres aktuellen Albums „The Last Gasp Of Street Rock N‘ Roll“ auf den Markt gebracht und zur Feier des Tages bringt die Kombo auch gleich ein neues Musik-Video an den Start.

Zu Gemüte führen könnt ihr euch den Track nebst Clip wie immer hier und jetzt. Wir haben euch das Video nachfolgend zur Verfügung gestellt.

Seht jetzt das neue Video zu „Dead Girls And Dead Boys Anthem“ von Ramallah


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Frontmann “White Trash” Rob Lind kommentierte den neuen Clip wie folgt:

„I wrote this tune with the 20 year anniversary of Livin’ In Exile in mind. When Blood For Blood started I was about 17 years old. I made a lot of grandiose promises in the music.

Promises to live as far outside of the common narrative as I could and to reject as many social norms as possible. ‘Fuck you and fuck society too’ and all that. But however heavy-handed those proclamations may have been, I was sincere.

For better and for worse (mostly worse ha!), I went on to walk most of my own turgid talk. For the ensuing 20 years, I lived by the sword I waved around onstage back then. Make no mistake: this isn’t some kind of goofy ‘I keeps it real’ trip. I’m not crowing. In hindsight I now wonder if I was even capable of living any other way.

Regardless, there was such a cost to the way I and so many others like me lived. There’s so much I know now that I wish I knew then. And so many died along the way. The fact that I’m even still here is a statistical anomaly.

I should be dead a thousands times over. Because I’ve been so fortunate, I feel obligated to fill in the blanks of the story I started with music so many years ago. So maybe someone else can avoid the same mistakes… or at the very least know that they aren’t alone.

BFB ain’t around anymore. But Ramallah is. So the story continues. This song and video are for those who were broken and beaten but won’t lay down and admit defeat. For all those who prayed for something that never came.

For those who keep searching for better ways and better days no matter what hell they are facing. You are not alone. I’ve been there before.

P.S. Thank you to all the friends, family, and TEAM: NO HEAD IN THE OVEN folks who sent in their photos to show solidarity. First, it helped it us greatly with the video (it was tricky putting a video together under quarantine!). And it demonstrates the whole point. We are not alone.“

„The Last Gast Of Street Rock N‘ Roll“ markiert das nunmehr dritte Studioalbum von Ramallah. Der Vorgänger „Kill A Celebrity“ erschien 20005, also bereits vor 15 Jahren.

Das Debütwerk „But A Whimper“ brachte die Kombo aus Boston anno 2002 auf den Markt.

Foto: Ramallah / Offizielles Pressebild



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