

Of Mice & Men: Schlagzeuger Valentino Arteaga spricht über das neue Album

"Earthandsky" erscheint am 27. September.

VON AM 18/09/2019

Noch mehr als eine Woche, dann bringen Of Mice & Men ihr neues Studioalbum „Earthandsky“ auf den Markt. Schlagzeuger Valentino Arteaga sprach jetzt im Interview mit The Sound Lab über die musikalische Entwicklung auf der bevorstehenden Platte.

Of Mice & Men-Drummer spricht über Sound des neuen Albums

Der Musiker erzählt, dass seine Bandkollegen und er immer auf Basis des Vorgängerwerks arbeiten und keinen Querschnitt aller Alben betrachten. Weiterhin arbeiten sie grundsätzlich eng mit ihren Produzenten zusammen (via Blabbermouth).

„It’s really hard to look at it as a scope of ten years,“ he said (see video below). „We tend to look at it on an album-per-album basis. It’s like a self-reflection of, ‚Okay, well, the last album we pushed ourselves to create something powerful.‘ And kind of, like, let’s take for example, ‚Defy‘, working together with the producer Howard Benson and mixer extraordinaire Chris Lord-Alge; they are two of the most sought-after and innovators of the modern rock and metal sound dating back to the ’90s when they developed this sonic prestige, I guess, and precision of sound.

When we worked with them, we really wanted to have more of a wider sonic variety of music to learn things from the producer and have them challenge ideas that we wouldn’t normally get. Whenever we work with producers, we look at them as we’re the team and they’re the coach. […] A lot of times we’ll work with the producer and we’ll just try different things.“

Weiterhin nehmen sich Of Mice & Men die Stimmung während ihrer Live-Shows zu Herzen. Sie schauen, was gut beim Publikum ankommt und versuchen, das in ihren Arbeiten aufgzugreifen.

„After touring the album ‚Defy‘ and going on a couple of album headliner runs, we really saw what was connecting with our audience and what our audience looks at us to create, and what they enjoy and what they want to come to spend their time rocking out. That’s important to us too. We love doing it as much as they love coming and watching and being a part of it. That’s why ‚Earthandsky‘ turned out the way that it did.

We took what we felt like were some of the strongest and best parts of what ‚Defy‘ was, then taking a self-reflection and all of the OF MICE & MEN albums and songs that we play in our setlist or older songs we’ve added into our setlist. We’ll never write the same song twice, but there is a way of capturing energy through music and being able to say it in a different way.“

„Earthandsky“ ist das nunmehr sechste Studioalbum von Of Mice & Men und das zweite mit Aaron Pauley als Leadsänger. Die Platte erscheint am 27. September.

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Credit: Of Mice & Men / Offizielles Pressefoto


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