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Evanescence & Within Temptation verschieben die Tour 2022 nach hinten

Mehr Infos in Kürze.

VON AM 12/02/2022

Schon seit einiger Zeit wollen sich Evanescence und Within Temptation gemeinsam in unseren Gefilden blicken lassen – doch die Tour musste aus bekannten Gründen schon mehrfach verschoben werden.

Und dieser Status wird sich fürs Erste auch nicht so schnell ändern, denn beide Bands gaben jetzt die nunmehr vierte (!) Verschiebung der Sause bekannt.

Die nächste Verschiebung der Tour von Evanescence & Within Temptation

Weiter unten das Statement von Evanescence – konkrete Termine werden in Kürze kommuniziert. Vom erneuten Delay betroffen sind die folgenden Konzerte:

16.03.2022 – Leipzig, Quarterback Immobilien ARENA
17.03.2022 – Berlin, Velodrom
23.03.2022 – Düsseldorf, Mitsubishi Electric Halle
26.03.2022 – München, Olympiahalle
01.04.2022 – Hamburg, Barclaycard Arena
13.04.2022 – Frankfurt, Festhalle

Offizielles Statement zur Verschiebung

„As the world is slowly reopening again, we felt very optimistic about the tour actually taking place in March and April. However – in a lot of countries there currently still are restrictions and we are forced to make a decision right now for logistical reasons.

We are aware that many fans are preparing to make their plans to attend the shows, some of which involve travel and given the uncertainty as to exactly when certain countries will lift their restrictions, we are left with no choice but to reschedule the tour, hopefully for the final time. We expect to be able to announce the new dates in the next few days, which we anticipate will be in November and early December of this year.

All tickets, including meet & greet packages and VIP upgrades will remain valid.

We know you understand that many things are still outside of our control but we are very optimistic that we WILL be performing these shows and we kindly ask that you bear with us one more time while we arrange the tour so it can actually happen.

Stay tuned for the new dates in the next few days. We miss and love you, and we will definitely see again. Stay safe.“

Bild: Offizielles Artwork zu „Worlds Collide Tour“ 2022



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