

Earth Caller: Misstiq ist nun ein festes Mitglied der Band

Willkommen an Bord.

VON AM 04/01/2022

Wie heißt es so schön: „Never change a winning team.“ Earth Caller haben sich diesen Leitsatz nach der im November vergangenen Jahres erschienenen EP „There Are Things Worse Than Death“ wohl zu Herzen genommen. Auf diesem Output waren nämlich ein paar Tracks enthalten, die die Australier zusammen mit Musikerin und YouTuberin Misstiq kreiert haben. Und ebenjene Dame ist nun ein festes Mitglied der Band.

Misstiq ist nun permanentes Mitglied bei Earth Caller

Sowohl Band als auch Misstiq selbst hatten hierzu entsprechende Statements parat. Den Anfang machte das Statement auf den Socials von Earth Caller:


It is with great pleasure and excitement that we are able to officially welcome Misstiq as a full time and permanent member of Earth Caller!!

What initially began as a one off collaboration on #TATWTD became the foundation for what organically grew into a fruitful ongoing friendship and working relationship with mutual respect and desire to continue collaborating.

Since we started working together over the last 12 months we as a band have been fortunate enough to watch her do her thing and in the short time since she decided to join EC – she has already contributed so much. Misstiq is an exceptionally talented musician, extremely disciplined and hardworking and a uniquely creative marketing strategist.

Naturally, we could not be more excited and proud to have her on board.

With regards to the future – we can confirm that we are currently working on a new release. This release is about 50% complete and our intention is to release this music in 2022.
As far as performances go – we are planning to tour both nationally and internationally through 2022.

Everybody welcome your favourite keys queen, viral internet sensation and now also Earth Caller’s fifth member Misstiq!

Happy New Year and see you all soon!
❤️ – EC”

Die Musikerin hatte hierzu folgende Worte auf Lager:


I’m proud to finally announce that I am an official member of Earth Caller!

After working with EC on their music and developing mutually wholesome friendships, it just feels so right to take this next step.

As someone who has been comfortably working from home behind a computer, I can now get out of my comfort zone, broaden my skills, get to see the world and inspire more people.

This is a band that is open to me contributing to both their music and brand at a level where I feel valued, and doesn’t make me feel like an accessory. We are already half way through our next record and it’s gonna sound killer.

My first EVER show is going to be this Friday, followed by more already announced shows throughout Jan and Feb.

Thank you Josh x 2, Nick and Carlo!
xx Misstiq ❤️”

Wir wünschen dem neuen Quintett nur das Beste und freuen uns auf neue Musik, die uns im Laufe des Jahres erreichen soll.

Foto: Earth Caller / Offizielles Pressebild


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