


Einfach ein gutes Gefühl der Zusammengehörigkeit: Nach dem verheerenden Verkehrsunfall von THE GHOST INSIDE im vergangenen November un dem damit ...

VON AM 24/05/2016

Einfach ein gutes Gefühl der Zusammengehörigkeit: Nach dem verheerenden Verkehrsunfall von THE GHOST INSIDE im vergangenen November un dem damit verbundenen Medienecho konnte bereits einiges an Spenden für die Unkosten aufgebracht werden. Aber in diesem Zusammenhang ist „viel“ leider auch nie „genug“.

Das dachten sich wohl auch die Verantwortlichen hinter „Unite The United“, einer Organisation, die aus Gründern bekannter Events wie der Vans Warped Tour oder dem Mayhem Festival besteht. Selbige konnten gleich mehrere wertvolle Erinnerungsstücke und signierte Gitarren bekannter Bands wie A DAY TO REMEMBER, WHITECHAPEL, MISS MAY I und mehr organisieren. Die Erlöse gehen selbstverständlich an THE GHOST INSIDE. Hier könnt ihr euch die Auktionen bei eBay anschauen. Hier könnt ihr euch die Auktionen bei eBay anschauen

THE GHOST INSIDE-Bassist Jim Riley hat indes in einem emotionalen Post bei Instagram die Geschehnisse dieses Tages noch einmal Revue passieren lassen:

I went to bed last night knowing today was going to be emotional. On November 19th I woke up to a living nightmare. I knew something bad had happened but no clue the extent. I checked to make sure I wasn't impaled by anything and got myself out that back window. I was the first person out of the bus and the first to see the scene. The next two hours were a blur. Everything was confusion. Fearing for the lives of my best friends and learning of the two drivers' lives lost. One by one the other guys emerged from the wreckage, a couple on their own but most on backboards. I remember feeling lost and helpless. I'm the tour dad; the guy that fixes what breaks and looks after our little family. I was stuck on the sideline while my guys fought for their survival. Even now, I want to heal them. I would trade my body for theirs in a heartbeat. But they are teaching me the true meaning of strength every day. In the face of countless doctors, complications, and a totally unexpected new life, they remain unbroken. To speak to them you wouldn't know what they are growing through. Still joking and smiling, still finding the single rays of sunshine in what could be an overwhelming storm. Some days suck. We have each other. Some days are great. We have each other. But above it all, we have the days and the chance to get through them and see another. This life is an incredible gift and I am fortunate to share it with such warriors. To the rest of The Ten, you inspire me immeasurably. Hey death, get fucked.

Ein von Jim Riley (@thejimriley) gepostetes Foto am

I went to bed last night knowing today was going to be emotional. On November 19th I woke up to a living nightmare. I knew something bad had happened but no clue the extent. I checked to make sure I wasn’t impaled by anything and got myself out that back window. I was the first person out of the bus and the first to see the scene. The next two hours were a blur. Everything was confusion. Fearing for the lives of my best friends and learning of the two drivers‘ lives lost.

One by one the other guys emerged from the wreckage, a couple on their own but most on backboards. I remember feeling lost and helpless. I’m the tour dad; the guy that fixes what breaks and looks after our little family. I was stuck on the sideline while my guys fought for their survival. Even now, I want to heal them. I would trade my body for theirs in a heartbeat. But they are teaching me the true meaning of strength every day.

In the face of countless doctors, complications, and a totally unexpected new life, they remain unbroken. To speak to them you wouldn’t know what they are growing through. Still joking and smiling, still finding the single rays of sunshine in what could be an overwhelming storm. Some days suck. We have each other. Some days are great. We have each other. But above it all, we have the days and the chance to get through them and see another. This life is an incredible gift and I am fortunate to share it with such warriors. To the rest of The Ten, you inspire me immeasurably. Hey death, get fucked.


The Ghost Inside

Es war eine dieser Sekunden, die ein Leben von Grund auf verändern können. Von hier an hast du genau zwei …
